But this is just, it means throw away this value, I don't really care. And if I sign that to student my name, age and subject will be set.

And I don't care about Marcy's GPA, I can use the shorthand underscore. So let's say, I just want a name, age and the subject. > Nina Zakharenko: If we don't care about saving one of the values as a variable we can use the underscore. Right, yeah, you'll see a ValueError, too many values to unpack. If you don't believe, you will see an error. But generally, we want the number of variables that we declare to match up to the number of items in the tuple. > Nina Zakharenko: As we're first starting out, and this is not a syntax rule in Python, there's a way of doing it. Super easy, right? If this was a row in a spreadsheet, I could just pull out the values super quickly. > Nina Zakharenko: But now, all of a sudden, my variable name is filled in, age is filled in, subject filled in, gpa filled in. Second say, name, comma, age, comma, subject, comma, gpa, equals student. And matching them up with the number of items in the tuple. > Nina Zakharenko: We can unpack this by declaring variable names on the left side of the expression.

So looking back at our student, we have a name, an age, a subject, and a GPA. > Nina Zakharenko: Tuples are also a great way to quickly consolidate information because of something called tuple unpacking. In this article, we learnt how we can pack and unpack tuples in a variety of Ways.Transcript from the "Unpacking Tuples" Lesson In case we want to skip only one argument then we can replace “*_” by “_” Conclusion Print(website,"\t",typ," ",topic) Output Tutorialspoint Data Structure: Unpacking a tuple # UnPacking tuple variables into a group of arguments and skipping unwanted arguments Tup = ("Tutorialspoint", "Python","3.x.","Data Structure:","Unpacking a tuple") “ *_” is used to specify the arbitrary number of arguments in the tuple.
#Tuple unpacking how to#
The following code explains how to deal with an arbitrary number of arguments. In python tuples can be unpacked using a function in function tuple is passed and in function, values are unpacked into a normal variable. Print(website,"\t",*language," ",topic) Output Tutorialspoint Python 3.x. # Packing tuple variables into a group of arguments Live Demo # Packing tuple variables under one variable name All values will be assigned to every variable in the order of their specification and all remaining values will be assigned to *arguments. Python gives the syntax to pass optional arguments (*arguments) for tuple unpacking of arbitrary length. Print(website,"\t",language," ",topic) Output Tutorialspoint Python Unpacking a tupleĭuring the unpacking of tuple, the total number of variables on the left-hand side should be equivalent to the total number of values in given tuple tup. # Packing tuple varibles into a group of arguments

Tup = ("Tutorialspoint", "Python", "Unpacking a tuple") Live Demo # Packing tuple varibles under one varible name Now let’s take a look at its implementation − Example WHereas in packing, we put values into a regular tuple by means of regular assignment. THis act of mapping together is known as unpacking of a tuple of values into a norml variable. Python offers a very powerful tuple assignment tool that maps right hand side arguments into left hand side arguments. In this article, we will learn about packing an unpacking tuple type in Python 3.x. Python offers immutable data types known as tuples.