
Battle for wesnoth wallpaper
Battle for wesnoth wallpaper

In a terminal, the command wesnoth -path shows the game data directory.

  • Slackware Linux: /usr/local/share/wesnoth.
  • Red Hat Linux-based distributions in general (openSUSE, Fedora): /usr/share/wesnoth.
  • Debian/Ubuntu packages, or emerge (Gentoo): /usr/share/games/wesnoth.
  • Custom builds: /usr/local/share/wesnoth.
  • Select "Show Package Contents." Select "Contents", then "Resources".
  • bundle: Control+click on the application icon.
  • In such case, look for the data folder in the folder where you installed the game.

    #Battle for wesnoth wallpaper install#

    The path may be different if you originally chose to install the game in a different location.On 64-bit computers, it will be in X:\Program Files (x86)\Battle for Wesnoth \data.X:\Program Files\Battle for Wesnoth \data, where X: corresponds to the drive where Windows is installed (normally C:).The paths to the game data and user data directories vary according to the operating system and packager. In this wiki, "user data" and userdata/ refer to this directory.

    battle for wesnoth wallpaper

    The user data directory holds your preferences file, custom maps, saved games, the WML cache and data files corresponding to user-created content. You normally should not modify these files, but you can if you want to modify a unit or something. data refers to the wesnoth/data directory. In this wiki, the terms "game data", wesnoth/data, or. There are several others, but these are the important ones. This directory should have the following subdirectories: data, music, sounds, and images. Wherever you install the game, there will be a game data directory that contains, of course, the game's data.

    Battle for wesnoth wallpaper